Set Up Tasks

The Tasks screen displays a list of all the tasks your firm has defined.

You can use this screen to define the tasks from which to choose when you enter specific tasks for clients.

The system provides a default list of tasks you can use to help set up your Tasks list. You can edit any of the default tasks, add new entries to define other tasks your firm performs for your clients, or you can delete tasks from the list.

To add or edit tasks:

1.  Select Tasks from the Setup menu to open the Set Up Tasks screen.

The screen displays all of the tasks defined for your firm.

2.  Select a task to edit or delete, or click the Add Task button to add a new task to the list.

The Set Up Task dialog appears, from which you can create a new task, edit an existing task, or delete a task from the list.

3.  Enter or edit the identifying code for the task in the Code field.

A code is a task's unique ID. To facilitate better organization, we recommend establishing a grouping convention for task codes (for example, E-1000 for airfare, E-1130 for hotel, etc.).

Note: Codes beginning with P- are reserved to track payroll activity through AccountantsWorld's Payroll Relief. Payroll Relief lets you track Standard Payrolls, Additional Payrolls, and Quarterly Compliance processing. For each of these categories, you can set up an unlimited number of tasks with different rates, so, for example, for a Standard Payroll, you can bill some clients one price for a single payroll and bill other clients a separate flat fee for all Standard Payrolls within a month. As payroll or compliance tasks are processed, the activity is recorded through Practice Relief, from which you can create the invoices for your payroll services or generate them through Accounting Power.

4.  Enter a description of the task in the Description field, and enter a description to include on the invoice in the Description for Invoice field.

The two descriptions can be the same, or you can create an internal and external description of the task for greater clarity.

5.  Use the Rate Type drop-down list to specify how the task is billed.

You can select one of the following options:

o       Hourly: Bills the task based on time spent. For each task, time spent is multiplied by the rate level for the user completing the task. This is the default setting.

o       Fixed by Task: Bills the task at a fixed rate.

o       Fixed by Period: Bills all occurrences of this task at a fixed rate for any period.

If you select Fixed by Task or Fixed by Period, the Fixed Fee field is activated.

6.  Enter the amount of the fee to be billed for the task or the period in the Fixed Fee field for Fixed by Task or Fixed by Period tasks.

This field is not active for tasks billed on an hourly basis.

7.  Select or clear the Billable option depending on whether the task is billable.

This option is selected by default.

8.  Use the Notes field to add brief notes or comments about the task to appear on invoices.

9.  Click Save to save your changes.

Note: You can click the Delete button to delete the task. You cannot delete a task for which you have entered client data.

The Set Up Tasks dialog closes and the Set Up Tasks screen is updated to reflect your changes.


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