Review Tasks and Expenses

The Review Tasks/Expenses screen displays a list of tasks or expenses entered for the firm. From this screen, you can view, edit, delete, or maintain your own tasks and expenses, or, if you have administrator or user/data-entry rights, for all users.

By default, the screen displays information about tasks or expenses, depending on the option you choose, performed or incurred by the active user during the preceding month in date order, newest first. You can filter the list to display only tasks or expenses that meet specific criteria.

For each entry, columns indicate the date the task was performed or the expense was incurred, the staff member and client, the Task or Expense Code and Project Code, the time spent and the billable time for tasks or the amount for expenses, the date the task or expense was invoiced, and any notes or comments for the task or expense. To sort the list, click any column heading.

From this screen, you can review the existing tasks and expenses in the system and easily access the Enter Tasks/Expenses screen to add new tasks or expenses to the list.

To view, edit, or delete tasks and expenses:

1.  Select Review Tasks/Expenses from the Time Tracking menu to open the Review Tasks/Expenses screen.

The Task option is selected by default in the Type field.

Note: The Review Tasks/Expenses screen appears when you first open Practice Relief.

2.  Modify the dates in the From and To fields to review tasks or expenses for a specific date range.

By default, the screen displays information for the preceding month.

3.  Select a specific client in the Client field to review expenses or tasks for a single client.

By default, the screen displays tasks or expenses for All clients.

4.  Use the Staff field drop-down list to select a specific staff member to review tasks or expenses for that staff member, or select All to review tasks and expenses for all staff members.

By default, the screen displays tasks or expenses for the active, logged-in user.

5.  Use the options in the Type field to toggle back and forth between Tasks and Expenses.

The Task option is selected by default.

6.  Click Search to apply any filters you entered and change the data displayed in the table.

The list displays information about each of the tasks or expenses satisfying the criteria you specified.

7.  Review the tasks or expenses in the table, and click Add to open the Enter Tasks/Expenses screen to add a new task or expense.

8.  Click a listed task or expense to edit it or, if it has not yet been invoiced, delete it.

The Task/Expense Edit dialog appears.

The dialog provides the name of the Staff member and Client, the Date the task was performed or the expense was incurred, the Task Code or Expense Code and Project, the Time Spent and Billable Time (for Tasks) or Amount (for Expenses), and any Notes entered about the task or expense.

9.  Modify the information in the Task/Expense Edit dialog, or, if the task or expense has not yet been invoiced, click Delete to remove the task or expense from the list.

The fields you can edit depend on the task or expense you selected:

o       Invoiced and uninvoiced tasks and expenses: You can edit the Date, the Task Code or Expense Code, the Project, and the comment in the Notes field.

o       Uninvoiced tasks and expenses: You can also edit the Staff and Client fields and (for expenses) the entry in the Amount field or (for tasks) the Time Spent and Billable Time entries.

Billable Time can only be equal to or less than Time Spent or zero for tasks that are not billed.

10. Click Save to apply your edits and close the Task/Expense Edit dialog.

The table is updated to reflect your edits.


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